pada umumnya untuk kelas 8 kebanyakan siswa kesulitan dalam mata pelajaran geometri yaitu kesulitan dalam memvisualisasikan geometri dan mengetahui atau menghitung luas dan volume. untuk memudahkan siswa maka adanya program aplikasi komputer yang memudahkan siswa dalam pelajaran geometri yaitu aplikasi Software Wingeom. software Wingeom adalah salah satu program matematika yang dapat memudahkan dalam materi geometri baik geometri dimensi dua ataupun tiga. untuk lebih jelasnya klik di sini
Kamis, 19 Desember 2013
Minggu, 15 Desember 2013
English For Math ( EFM )
at this time I will discuss math at grade 6 elementary school that is about Estimation. so leat this time I will discuss math at grade 6 elementary school that is about Estimation, so lets us refer to the discussion.
a value that is close enough to the right answer, usually with some thought or
calculation involved.
Sam's estimation of 400 ( four hundred ) bricks to build the wall was very good, as there were only 12
( twelve ) bricks left over.
Estimating the result of arithmetic
operation is approximating the result of arithmetic operation.
Estimating the result
of arithmetic operations is approximating
the result of arithmetic operation.
estimating, you can approximating the result arithmetic operation without
calculating it.
in principle, estimation is relating
to rounding. however, estimation is usually associated with number operations (
+ (addition), - (subtraction), X (multiplication),
and - (division)
the results of arithmetic operations can be divided into three, namely
estimating the result of arithmetic operations in the nearest tens, hundreds,
and thousands.
undertake estimation, remember back to rounding’s rules that have been studied
Estimate the Result of Arithmetic Operations to the
Nearest Tens
1) Determine the estimation to the nearest
tens of the following arithmetic operations.
a. 39 + 14 ( threety
nine plus fourteen )
approx ...
b. 12 x 17 ( twelve
multiply by seventeen ) approx ...
a. 39 + 14 ( threety
nine plus fourteen )
the estimation 40 + 10 ( fourty plus ten ),
approximately 50 ( fifty ).
b. 12 x 17 ( twelve
multiply by seventeen ) the estimation
10 x 20 ( ten multiply by twenty ),
approximately 200 ( two hundreds ).
2) Estimate 48 + 53 ( fourty
eight plus fifty three ) to
the nearest tens.
48 ( fourty eight )
is rounded off to 50 ( fifty )
And 53 ( fifty three )
is rounded off to 50 ( fifty )
48 + 53 = 50 + 50
= 100
Note :
· 48
( fourty eight ) Rounding
numbers to nearest tens is 50 ( fifty )
[because 8 ( eight ) is
more than 5 ( five )]
( fifty three )
Rounding numbers to nearest
tens is 50 ( fifty ) [because 3 ( three )
is less than 5 ( five )]
Thus, the estimation of 48 + 53 ( fourty
eight plus fifty three )
to the nearest tens is 100
( one hundred )
Estimate the Result of Arithmetic Operations to the
Nearest hundreds
1.) Determine the estimated to the nearest
hundreds of the following arithmetic operations.
a. 325 -
185 ( three hundreds twenty five minus one hundreds eighty five )
approx …
b. 815 : 120 ( eighty
hundreds fifteen by divided one hundreds twenty )
approx …
- 185 ( three hundreds twenty five minus one hundreds eighty five ) estimation
300 - 200 ( three hundred minus two hundred ) approximately 100 ( one
hundreds ).
b. 815 : 120 ( eighty
hundreds fifteen by divided one hundreds twenty ) estimation
800 : 100 ( eight hundreds by
divided one hundreds )
approximately 8 ( eight ).
2.) Estimate 476 – 325 ( four
hundred seventy six minus three hundred twenty five )
to the nearest hundreds.
476 ( four hundred seventy
six )
is rounded off to 500 ( five hundred )
325 ( three hundred twenty
five )
is rounded off to 300 ( three hundred )
476 –
325 = 500 – 300
= 200
Note :
· 476
( four hundred seventy ) Rounding
numbers to nearest hundred is 500 ( five hundred )
[ because 76 ( seventy six ) is
more than 50 ( fifty )
· 325
( three hundred twenty
five )
Rounding numbers to nearest
hundred is 300 ( three
hundred) [ because 25 (twenty five) is less
than 50 (fifty) ]
Thus, the estimation of 476 – 325 ( four
hundred seventy six minus three hundred
twenty five )
to the nearest hundreds is 200 ( two hundred ).
3.) Estimate 5,178 : 123 ( five
thousand one hundred seventy eight divided by one hundred twenty three ) to
the nearest hundreds.
5,178 ( five thousand one
hundred seventy eight) is rounded off to 5,200 ( five thousand two hundred ) and
123 ( one hundred twenty
three )
is rounded off to 100 ( one hundred )
5,178 : 123 = 5,200
: 100
= 52
Note :
· 5,178 ( five thousand one
hundred seventy eight)
numbers to nearest hundred is 5200( five hundred ) [ because 78 ( seventy eight ) is
less than 50 (fifty )
· 325 ( three
hundred twenty five )
Rounding numbers to nearest
hundred is 300 ( three
hundred )
[ because 25 ( twenty
five )
less than 50 ( fifty )
Thus, the estimation of
5,178 : 123 ( five thousand one
hundred seventy eight divided by one hundred twenty three ) to
the nearest hundreds is 52 ( fifty two ).
Estimate the Result of Arithmetic Operations to the
Nearest thousands
Estimate 5,200 : 1,200 ( five thousand two
hundred divided by one thousand two hundred ) to
the nearest thousand.
Answer :
5,178 ( five thousand one
hundred seventy eight )
is rounded off to 5,000 ( five thousand )
1,200 ( on thousand two hundred )
is rounded off to 1000 ( one thousand )
5,200 : 1,200 = 5,000
: 1,000
Note :
· 5,200
( five thousand two
hundred )
numbers to nearest thousand is 5,000 ( five hundred ) [ because 200 ( one hundred ) is
less than 500 ( five hundred )
· 1,200 ( one thousand two
hundred )
Rounding numbers to nearest
hundred is 1,000 ( one thousand ) [
because 200 ( two hundred )
less than 500 ( five
hundred )
Thus, the estimation 5,200 : 1,200 ( five
thousand two hundred divided by one thousand two hundred )
to the nearest thousand is 5 ( five )
Resolving story problem
Ghandi has 42 kg ( fourty two kilograms )
of sweet potato.
Banu has 89 kg ( eighty nine kilograms ) of
sweet potato.
Jaya has 63 kg ( sixty three kilograms )
of sweet potato.
the total amount of sweet potato of there people to the nearest tens.
( fourty two )
close to 40 ( fourty )
or is approximately 40 ( fourty ).
( eighty nine ) close
to 90 ( ninety )
or is approximately 90 ( ninety ).
( sixty three )
close to 60 ( sixty )
or is approximately 60 ( sixty ).
+ 89 + 63 ( fourty two plus eighty
nine plus sixty three )
is approximately 40 + 90 + 60 = 190
( fourty plus ninety plus
sixty )
the total amount of sweet potato of the there people is about 190 kg ( one hundreds ninety
kilogram ).
Thus the discussion about the math estimation, may be useful guys ;)
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